Monday, 8 September 2014

First Day of Classes

I have officially survived my first class of the year! Just finished Movement Observation II which continues to build on the Movement Observation I class from the Spring. The course is built on the Laban Movement Analysis framework and counts towards certification as a Laban analyst should I choose to go that route. So many extra certifications to consider getting!

Next up on the schedule is Assessments in Mental Health Counseling, where from the readings and syllabus we will be learning which assessments to use and how to evaluate them. Stay tuned for more on that! Tomorrow it is my Research and Evaluation class and Supervision class. My first day of internship is on Wednesday and just like that things are back in full swing.

I have finally registered for my anatomy and kinesiology workshop that I will completing at the Laban Institute of Movement Studies in New York. Glad I can finally cross that off my "To Do" list (registering for it has only been on there since May!).  It's the first weekend in November so something to look forward to. I have never been to New York and although there won't be much time for exploring I hope to at least see Central Park...maybe Times Square.

I best be off for now to make the possible topics for my thesis a bit more concrete before class tomorrow!

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